① 饶:充满,多。
② 雪:这里以形容白色的柳絮。
③ 闲:高大的样子。
④ 慵去:懒得离去。
⑤ 盘马:骑马驰骋盘旋。▲
YAN Jidao – Lyrics to the Imperial Drive Melody
South of the main streets catkins drift over greening trees,
Like snow they fall all over spring excursion paths.
Blossoms on trees are glamorous and the clouds light,
Under the foliage of trees is an established estate with a crimson gateway.
From its northern loft, where the curtains are raised high,
Directly in sight are the trees south of the main streets
Against the balustrade in her languor she lingers,
There fall a few evening showers.
In previous years late in spring, he used to rest his horse stamping on mosses,
By a tree of dense foliage and long he there stood.
Here fallen blossoms remain, half extended is the delicate screen hiding view,
Where has the familiar face disappeared to?▲
上片写景。起首四句,是北楼南望中的景色和意想。正因鸟瞰,才能看得那样远,看得见成行的柳树和别的花树,看得见花絮红白相间织成的灿烂“娇云”,看得见漫天飞絮。这里,“雪满游春路”是由柳树“饶絮”而生的奇想,同时又点出“晚春”二字。至于“树底人家朱户”,当是从“树头”的空隙间隐约见之,它是掩映在一片艳花娇云之中的,把一种急切的寻寻觅觅的情态表现得非常传神。 过片由景及情,写出了词中人不忍离的情态和心理。“晚春”两句写不忍离去的原因。“盘马”显然不是今日▼